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See you next time!

We thank you for your loyalty and your commitment, so that the International Interior Design Exhibition "neue räume" can take place again in 2022. "neue räume 22" will inspire and excite. As always, we look forward to your ideas and suggestions at The crudités with sauce anchoide match the French Riviera longing:

Vegetables: 3 tomatoes, 5 mushrooms, 4 chicory, 2 fennel bulbs, 1 celery, 5 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 bunch Radish, 2 lemons, 4 hard-boiled eggs

Anchoids: 125g butter, 200g anchovies (anchovies), 2 cloves of garlic, 125ml olive oil, ground pepper.

Clean the raw vegetables, wash them and arrange them on a large bowl in an appetizing way. Crush the garlic in a mortar. Heat the butter in a bain-marie, add the anchovies and garlic, mix with the olive oil to make a creamy sauce. Season to taste with the pepper. Serve the eggs with the vegetables and sauce. (Credit Smart Travelling)

bon appétit and see you next time.

judith raeber for neue räume 22

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